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Sustainability activities

Our company pursues sustainable operations from the perspectives of the environment (E), society (S), and governance (G), and is conducting business activities to contribute to solving social issues such as the SDGs by creating new value through the provision of products and services. Through our business activities, we strive to build relationships of trust with our stakeholders and improve our corporate value, thereby contributing to the development of a sustainable society. The important ESG issues that we are addressing are as follows.




Issues and Goals Initiatives Contributing
to SDGs
Addressing climate change and decarbonization
  1. Contribute to a carbon-neutral society by reducing GHG emissions
    Reduce emissions by 45% in FY2030 compared to FY2013
  1. Reduce remelting by reducing in-process defects
  2. Improve the insulation effect of heat-using equipment
  3. Update hand-held furnaces to energy-saving types
  4. Consolidate factories
  5. Increase orders for EV-related products
Efficient energy use
(promotion of renewable energy use)
  1. Reduce energy usage by 1% each term
  1. Expanded use of top-runner motors
  2. Saving electricity by lowering the water temperature in the holding furnace during long holidays
  3. Continuous air leakage prevention measures
  4. Use of renewable energy
  5. Installing LED lighting in factories and offices




Issues and Goals Initiatives Contributing
to SDGs
Product safety and quality improvement
  1. Product accidents: 0 cases
  2. Strengthening quality assurance and product safety management systems
  3. Number of product recalls: 0 cases
  1. Process design based on the perspective of preventing quality defects
Ensuring occupational safety and health
  1. Number of occupational accidents (lost workdays and no lost workdays): Achieve and maintain 0
  2. Conduct stress checks for all employees: Once a year (FY2030 target)
  1. Safety training for employees with less experience (less than 3 years) (domestic and overseas)
  2. Safety managers check for unsafe areas (domestic and overseas)
  3. Annual stress checks for all employees (domestic offices with 50 or more employees)



Promotion of human capital management

Issues and Goals Initiatives Contributing
to SDGs
Addressing human rights issues
  1. Supplier CSR checklist: Achieve 100% collection by 2030
  2. Implementation rate of human rights training for employees: 100%
  1. Distribute and collect CSR checklists from all suppliers once a year (domestic and overseas)
  2. Conduct human rights training for all employees once a year (domestic and overseas)
  3. Proper management of personal information (domestic and overseas)
Strengthening recruitment and development of human resources
  1. Attendance rate of employees for education and training: 100%
  2. Strengthening recruitment of human resources
  1. Providing education to participants based on education and training plans (domestic and overseas)
  2. Implementing fair and equal hiring practices (domestic and overseas)
  3. Strengthening referral hiring and career hiring (domestic and overseas)
  4. Strengthening employment of people with disabilities (domestic)



Foundation for business continuity

Issues and Goals Initiatives Contributing
to SDGs
Strengthening technical and research and development capabilities
  1. Increase sales through developed products: 30% increase in sales by 2030 compared to fiscal 2020
  1. Strengthening training of engineers
  2. Researching development needs and focusing on themes
  3. Strengthening technical collaboration and cooperation
Strengthening corporate governance
  1. Major compliance violations: 0 cases
  2. Appropriate operation of the Management Committee and Investment Council as important management decision-making processes
  3. Continuous operation of the internal reporting system
  1. Conducting compliance training once a year (domestic and overseas)
  2. Proper operation of management meetings and investment councils (domestic and overseas)
  3. Continuous operation of internal reporting response system (domestic)
